Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bienvenue à Lausanne

After braving 17 hours filled with screaming babies, cranky old men, and sketchy airplane chicken, I finally reached my mountainous new home for the next six months. (And let me tell you, I am going to have some smoking hot legs by the end of this semester!) The afternoon high of 45 degrees felt balmy despite the dreary sky next to the below-zero snowy tundra of Minnesota. Being in Switzerland has already bombarded my senses with so many new smells, sights, and sounds that I can hardly keep them all straight. So instead of trying to describe this wonderful city in my own words (Which would not do it justice) I will just explain it in pictures. So here is my first taste of Lausanne and there is just one word to describe it, BEAUTIFUL!

I think this is the beginning of a great adventure.

With love, from Lausanne


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