Thursday, February 6, 2014

Paris: Take Two

Two weeks ago, Katie and I had the pleasure of taking a spur of the moment trip to Paris!

So, I would like to dedicate this post to the Swiss Visa Department. Without your snail-like processing speed, this little excursion would not have occurred.

Yes, Katie and I dropped everything and hopped a train to Paris, France in order to get my Swiss visa and, incidentally, saw all the typical sights of the city along the way.

After arriving at Gare de Lyon on Thursday evening and checking into Aloha Hostel, we hiked through the rain to the sparkling Eiffel Tower and took refuge at a pizzeria only a stone's throw away. Oh, and the pizza was as good as it looks!

The next day, after getting my visa straightened out, we made stops at Notre Dame, a crêpe stand, the Louvre and the Tuilerie Gardens. Our day culminated in a weary climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower (well, in our case, the second viewing deck) and a hot bowl of french onion soup at The Wilson restaurant just a few blocks away.

Our final day in Paris was short and sweet. Before we departed for Lausanne, we took a stroll through the Luxemourg Gardens and toured Sacre Coeur. But before catching our train, we had one last crêpe on Monte Mar.

Despite losing my cell phone somewhere along the way, we had a wonderful trip to Paris. I just hope my next visit will be a bit longer!

With love, from Lausanne


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