Sunday, May 4, 2014

Chateau de Chillon avec ma famille

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of seeing my mom and Jim for the first time in three whole months! I was so excited to see family again (and let's be honest it was nice to eat on someone else's dime too.) Before heading to Germany for our Easter vacation, we spent two days exploring the Lac Leman region.

On day one we spent a low key day perusing the Lausanne Lake front and the local Olympic Museum. The views were abosultely beautiful, as always, and the Olympic exhibit was surprisingly fun and interactive for a museum. It was recently remodeled and opened again to the public in January 2014. The museum features real Olympic torches, medals, clothing and even some games to test your reflexes. We ended the night with dinner at Cafe de Grancy in town with the very gracious couple who allowed me to stay with them for several weeks in January.

Day two involved a boat excursion to the near by Chateau de Chillon. The boat ride along the lake was absolutely breathtaking. Sitting by the window and watching the cities do by with a cup of hot chocolate in hand was quite relaxing. After arriving at the castle, we spent a couple of hours exploring its many towers and dungeons before catching a train back to Lausanne where we prepared a delicious dinner at my apartment which was accompanied by a bottle of wine created specially at Chateau de Chillon.

With love, from Lausanne


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